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Book Review / The Earth... but not As We Know It (Colour): An Exploration

It's so nice to be able to escape from the propaganda machine that is Globalism and reach into other, more interesting and explorative depths, like science used to be before it was capitalised on, corrupted and given gatekeepers. Sigh.

The Earth But Not as We Know It is what it says on the tin, an exploration, and though I imagine there are a huge amount of avenues one could venture down in exploring the earth, Andrew Johnson focuses on two, one of which is arguably the most interesting, and effectively world-changing, theory on the origins of our planet. Whether you know it or not, the way the earth was formed or evolved over time is not established fact. It is proscribed theory, and like much else in modern science; purely something that has been agreed upon by a collection of scientists (using the word loosely) and seemingly never to be questioned. So, a wider array of possibilities is always welcome.

There are some of the most fascinating and somewhat mind-bending alternative viewpoints to explore in this fairly short but packed book, that give good cause to rethink the standard narrative. But as ever, being familiar with Johnson's work firstly from Richard D. Hall's "Richplanet" show, no theory is ever held above the current evidence, and where assertions are made they are noted.

Two theories are delved into: the 'hollow earth' and the 'expanding earth'. The hollow earth theory presents a variety of historical claims that the earth has entrances at the poles, that there is another surface within the globe with its own oceans and land masses, and that some people have travelled and recorded their amazing exploits in diaries! Unfortunately, it seems most of these extravagant claims of a hollow earth provide elements that are more disprovable than provable. However, the claims of those who in the past vowed they had seen, and even been to, the inner earth, are still fascinating to peruse. Ultimately, I don’t believe them and neither, it seems, does the author.

The second exploration is the expanding Earth theory. This is the reason I purchased this book, actually, as the Richplanet show I saw regarding the theories of specific earthly phenomena, not least that the dinosaurs could not have lived at their size on the Earth at its current gravitational pull, blew my mind. To grow that big, they would have essentially have been stuck to the ground, or at minimum (in the case of diplodocus and other long-necked dinos) unable to lift their massive necks upwards to eat from trees. It also begs the question how a T-Rex (which, going by my recollection of Jurassic Park (XD)), could run at about 35 miles an hour at its size and mass. And so, the theory of expanding Earth, having been around since the 1800s, goes a lot further in explaining how not only dinosaurs, but all the other giant animals of history, managed to live (and move), or in some cases become, and sustain being, airborne. I would especially note the information regarding the Quetzalcoatlus, a giant pterosaur, that is estimated 500kg - 700kg, and the fairly amusing assertion from some palaeontologists that its body mass was 'seven times less' than the largest modern day birds (one of the largest of which, the Kori Bustard, is only 19kg). Anyone who can explain this please get in touch...

Another fascinating part of the expanding Earth is the challenge to tectonic plate theory. For so long being told that our continents sit on plates that drift about and rift overtime, there has been a great amount of study and conflicting theory in that assertion. Once upon a time oil, being a fuel apparently provided by fossils, was believed to be only found at certain depths (where the dead things were), however, it seems oil is found at depths even deeper than the researchers anticipated, potentially throwing out the 'fossil' argument, and the 'running out' argument in turn. There is also the amazing investigation into a steam-centred Earth, that is supported by evidence into which any serious researcher or investigator should delve.

A favourite piece of this theory, which you need to see to experience just how obvious it is, is the expanding earth digital animations by Neal Adams (Batman comic book artist) showing the proposed Earth expansion and how the continents fit on the smaller Earth in comparison to now. It is a particularly stunning and simple expression that can reveal an incredible union of our continents in a way no state-education has ventured to express. Not only that, a connected continent that covered the whole earth would explain why the enormous animals we see discovered all over the world managed to get all over the world. A smaller earth means less gravitational pull, means bigger animals, and unbroken crust means easier passage. But it also goes some way in suggesting what continental rifts really are; the tearing apart of the earth’s upper crust as the expansion continues. This in addition, allows the water layered in the earth’s lower layers to breach the crust and cover the surface. Seriously, get on this research, it's immense.

Though a fairly short and readable book, it introduces a wealth of new and fascinating explorative subjects, and there is much I’ve not been able to cover in this review, such as revised theories of earthquakes and how the Earth’s magnetic poles work. Some equations are given for those a bit less ignorant than I and I will give the author the benefit of the doubt with their validity! All in all, if you’re looking for a book to expand the possibilities of how or home may have been created, and has evolved, over time The Earth But Not as We Know It is a very good place to start.


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